Browse Items (274 total)

We put Library users at the center of all we do and are here to empower you with deep and rich collections, extensive expertise, innovative programs, and diverse spaces. We are committed to cultivating an inclusive community, enhancing access to…

A consortium of more than 30 colleges and universities, the Leadership Alliance was established in 1992 with the aims of diversifying the research workforce. The Leadership Alliance’s Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP) is a…

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The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) Program is the centerpiece of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s Higher Learning initiatives to nurture advanced humanistic inquiry to shape more accurate depictions of the human experience and establish…

As the fine arts museum of the University of Chicago, the Smart Museum of Art is a site for rigorous inquiry and exchange that encourages the examination of complex issues through the lens of art objects and artistic practice. Through strong…

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Chicago Studies makes it easier for students and instructors in the College to study, teach, and collaboratively learn about our amazing city. Part of the Office of Research and Teaching Innovations in the College Dean’s Office, we support faculty…

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The Chicago Language Center (CLC) and Office of Language Assessment (OLA) are the innovative hubs of language testing and teaching at UChicago. The CLC is home to Global Honors, a designation conferred on students with outstanding global engagement.…
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